My cat got me a new client. It’s true. Let me tell you how.
A woman was looking for a hypnotist for her husband. She went to Google and searched for a hypnotist in her city and she found me, among others.
She wasn’t sure how to find out if she could trust me as the hypnotist, so she looked at my website and my Facebook profile and page. I believe she also looked at others’ websites and social media.
She really looked! She looked at my photos on Facebook and saw all the photos I had posted of my cat. Well, anyone who loves their cat – of course they like doing things like that.
Then she called me and we talked. She was comfortable that I was the hypnotist to work with her husband. Toward the end of the call, she told me that she had said to her husband, “She must be nice because she has a cat.” So you see, she felt she could trust someone who had cats.
If you are a hypnotist, life coach or therapist, trust is especially important as you work with very confidential and personal information of the person.
But no matter what you do, people need to “Know, Like and Trust” you before they buy from you.
To know you, they have to find you. That means a website and Google My Business (formerly called Google Places). And to find your website, you need to have your SEO done correctly. Or advertise. But they have to find you.
To like you, they need to feel they would like you from the content and images on your website, and on your social media. The means the words, pictures and videos, everything like that.
To trust you, they need to feel that you are a trustworthy person. Having a website with regular blog posts and a Facebook profile and page with regular posts and photos that show something trustworthy about you really makes a difference.
Guess what! I actually posted the cat pictures for my friends, but also for another reason. I only post to my Facebook profile page content that supports my marketing and I consider it part of my marketing. And as you can see, it works!
Do you want to learn how to do what I do for successful marketing? Contact us now.
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