From the desk of Beverly Taylor
Dear Friend,
Are you finding it difficult to get more clients or customers, either locally or globally?
Is it difficult to figure out how to get on the first page in Google’s search engine?
Is navigating the complexity of online marketing sending your mind spinning?
I understand how you feel!
As a newbie small business owner, I found most of my clients through the yellow pages and an ad in the local paper. That worked at the time. I had more clients than I could handle! At one point, I was even working 6 or sometimes 7 days a week! I had to slow down my marketing as it was working too well.
But then people started searching online for everything! So what worked before, had stopped working. Ack!
I then focused my efforts to make it easy for clients to find me online. And I did it. I found out how to easily show up on the first page of Google. I learned how people search online and what they are looking for. People started calling and emailing me. So it became a cinch for me to get my clients from online sources.
In fact, I was so good at people being able to find me in online searches, that every time I moved in the last 10 years, I was on Google’s first page within days and on their map within a week or so. I had figured out their secrets for making that happen and how important it was to do. I used to feel sorry for all of the other small business people that didn’t know how to do this. Until I realized, that I can make an even bigger difference in the world by teaching this!
I haven’t taught many people my secrets for the easiest ways to do this, and guess what – many of the techniques are FREE!
When I first started learning internet marketing, I didn’t understand what people were talking about. And there were so many choices of what to do! I didn’t know where to turn for help!
I started learning about internet marketing in 2003, but only felt comfortable enough to start in 2007. I made my share of mistakes, such as paying a consultant $5,000 for a little more than setting up a sales page and one product to sell. Over the years, I spent thousands of dollars to learn the ins and outs of internet marketing.
These are classes where you will receive:
- Clarity about WHO you are marketing to and how to do that
- Detailed instructions for HOW to do it (especially in the easiest, cheapest way)
- How to know WHAT to focus on
- The psychology of WHY what you do will work
- WHERE to place your marketing efforts
- Verbal training with ample Q and A
- Email access to me between classes
- Written documents to help you
- A lot of resources to help you, many of which will be FREE!
- Ways to make this EASY, ENJOYABLE, and consistent with your own interests
Most importantly, this class will help you be successful at your own level in bringing in more customers and clients. Notice that so many classes are about “how to create a page in Facebook” or “how to use some other technology to increase your marketing”.
But how many classes or coaches will help you decide what technologies work for you? How many classes give you the ability to ask about your specific situation and needs?
Where can you find someone to help you at your level and give you individual attention?
Why can I teach this amount of information? It is as if my background custom made me for it. I worked in large to medium corporations for 18 years, implementing large computer systems for sales and marketing departments. I worked closely with the top sales and marketing people in companies such as Apple and Atari. I have owned my own small business for over 15 years, doing my own marketing. Then I studied with an eminent internet marketing guru for over nine years. With each of these, I learned not only the technical requirements, but also the marketing and sales psychology.
After working in the Internet Marketing world for several years, I became a coach for one of the top gurus. I taught his clients. Some of them even told me they were so happy I was their coach as I was so patient and detailed in explaining how it all worked and how to do it. While I am excellent at teaching novices, advanced Internet Marketers have exclaimed that they learned great new material from me. I remember especially one expert who was on a marketing panel with me and he kept saying, “I can’t believe it! You taught me something new today!”
Another skill I developed, was becoming highly skilled in detailed documentation and user training when I was a corporate information technology consultant. So I know how to teach and how to create documents.
Bottom line, from what I learned, every time I moved during the last 10 years, I was on the front page of Google within days*. And research shows this is one of the most important ways for clients to find you.
* Please note that everyone’s situation is different and if you are in a large city with many competitors, you will have to do much more than someone in a small city with less competition.
I have kept this great information to myself up until now. Yet, my love and passion is teaching. This is why I am excited to teach this class.

What drives you? Can you imagine what it would be like to have all the clients you wanted?
How would it feel to have the number of customers or clients you desire? How many more people could you help to have a better life? How would that feel?
Let me help you get the number of customers you wish to have every week!
- The TOP 2 MOST IMPORTANT THINGS to do to be on Google’s FIRST Page – often in one or two days!!! Also, how this will bring you clients fast!
- Get on the Map! (and learn what I mean by this)
- Make Google your Friend. Learn SEO techniques for success.
- Get Social! The ins and outs of Social Media Marketing
- How to Choose Which Social Media Platforms?
- Pages, Groups/Communities and Events on Facebook and Google+
- Visual Social Media: YouTube, Pinterest and more…
- Directories, Forums, and Review Sites
- Who is Your Audience? How to be clear and use this to your advantage
- How to choose your keywords based on knowing your audience
- Offline Local vs Online Global – do you want one or both?
- What are your Goals? What are your Dreams and Passions? How to implement these
- Why are you doing this? Look at your life for answers. Learn how this affects your success.
- Skyrocket Trust, Rapport, and Credibility
- How to Know Where to Market?
- How to Get Free Advertising
- How to optimize paid Advertising (includes how to use Facebook ads to the fullest!)
- What do you fear or enjoy doing?
- How can they get to know you before calling you?
- Your Website/Blog Essentials
- Email Marketing Essentials
- How To Create an Email Credibility Campaign
- Successful Selling with a Consulting Call
- The New Networking: Local and/or Global
- How to create and sell products globally online
- How to write and create sales pages and squeeze pages
- Office vs Phone vs Videoconferencing
- Gain Referrals through Asking the Best Way
- Track your results and do more of the same!
- Plus much, much more! Whatever you need to Get More Clients – NOW!
- Bonus! Learn the basics of how Gender Brain Chemistry™ can help you be more successful with your marketing! You will receive many more bonuses!
You will receive numerous audios and ebooks to go along with the training. These ebooks may include:

Actually, if you have any small business, this will work for you. This course is excellent for health and wellness professionals, chiropractors, hypnotists, life coaches, plumbers, massage therapists, MLMers, therapists, electricians, fitness trainers, real estate professionals, dentists, and more!
The course will be customized to the students! You will get individual attention that will also be helpful for each other. If you are computer phobic or novice, you will learn a lot with step by step instructions. If you are a computer wiz, you will still learn from the state-of-the-art information. Typically, most small business professionals need the most assistance in the marketing and business side of their work. This class fulfills this need.
Training is via teleclasses/webinars and written documents, with ample personalized Q&A at the end of every training. All classes are recorded and you will receive replay downloads. With these recordings and the ability to ask questions in advance via email, you can still take the course even if you aren’t available at the class hour.
“Happy Heart Marketing Training”
This course is an ongoing Marketing Training class which teaches both online and offline training. Students will learn many things, including why people buy or not buy, technical marketing processes, how to identify your true audience and how to genuinely connect with them to create meaningful business relationships.
An added exclusive bonus for this course is membership in our “Happy Heart Marketing Mastermind” Facebook closed group. You can contribute or bounce ideas off other members.
Each class will start with a training followed by Q&A. If you are a beginner, you can still join this class. You can be a member of both classes. This class will be held 4 times a month, which is 48 times a year. Therefore, there will be 4 Tuesdays in a year with no class.
Schedule: Once a week. These are 1 hour classes with additional Q&A so allow up to 2 hours.
Each class will start with a training followed by Q&A.
Schedule: Once a week, online. These are 1 hour classes with additional Q&A so allow up to 2 hours.
Happy Heart Marketing – Tuesdays from 12pm-2pm Pacific Time (3-5pmET). You will get replays, so you don’t have to be on the call.
Here’s a time converter:
Then for how much the investment is, I know that people have paid $1,000 a month for the same information. Normally I charge one person $150 an hour for this level of training.
But I wanted this to be accessible to many people. So then I thought, $397, or $297 per month.
Then I decided that I really want this to be accessible to the people who really need to increase the number of clients. So I decided that the investment will be only $97 a month! I know this is a very low price for what you will receive. I don’t know how long I will be offering this price, so sign up today!
Sign up NOW! Get ready to bring more clients to you!
$97 a month for an ongoing marketing course for any business person.
NOTE: As soon as you register (you will need to confirm if you are sent a confirmation email), you will begin receiving ebooks every few days and other information.
The earlier you sign up, the earlier you begin to receive the ebooks and other great information!
“This class will pay for itself! I already have a new client from what I learned in this course.” One of our first students during the first couple of months.
“I enjoyed your class very much and saw my google search go to #1 with just 2 months of your class! I wish I was able to attend the last month of the class but I had school. Your class was great!” Drak Demay, CH
“I have learned so much from your classes Beverly! I’ve attracted new clients and am looking forward to this group. Again thank you for all that you do!” Christy Johnson, Life Coach
To Your Success!
Beverly Taylor
p.s. Go ahead and join our group. Just getting one more client will pay for the class! I helped one person just make minor changes to her website and she went from no incoming calls to clients calling every month! It can be THAT drastic of an improvement!
NOTE: As soon as you register (you will need to confirm if you are sent a confirmation email), you will begin receiving ebooks every few days and other information.
Magically Attract Clients Online:
Quickly Get More Clients with Local SEO – Value $77
(surprise bonus: click the icon below to get it now!)350 Marketing Tactics – Value $189
350 Social Media Tactics – Value $189
Powerful Offline Marketing in the Internet Age
– Value $27
Beginners Online Business Handbook – Value $27
Effectively Starting Up An Online Business Will Enable You To Acquire The Wealth And Success You’ve Always Dreamed About
The Crucial Key To Your Online Business Success Is To Know What You’re Doing So You Don’t Make The Same Mistakes Of Those Who Have Failed And Become Just Another Failed Business Statistic
Instant Website Ideas For Fast Earnings – Value $27
Increase your online earnings today! How Much Do You Know About Websites? It’s Time to Discover How Websites Can Earn You Instant Profits. Make the most from online business. Get started today with a new business. Excellent for beginners.
And MORE unannouncEd ebook bonuses!
My own list of resources: websites, outsourcers, software, systems, etc.
The one I have only given to my students who pay $897! Yet, this will be even more resources I give them! – Value $197
Local SEO Analysis – Value $197
Free: I will give you a 15 minute Local SEO Analysis. Are you on the first page of Google? Do you want to know how you can get this done? I will tell you. Every time I moved during the last 10 years, I was on the front page of Google within days. I can show you how to do that with your website. This is worth more than the price of the class!
Wow! A total list of announced bonuses worth: $930!
$97 a month for an ongoing marketing course for any business person.
Beverly Keyes Taylor is the Founder and CEO of Holistic Hub Marketing and the Easy Key to Life™ Institute, and is an award winning speaker, author, entrepreneur, consulting hypnotist, and wellness coach. Beverly worked in large and medium corporations for 18 years implementing sales and marketing computer software. For over 10 years she has been personally trained by Dr. John Gray, world renown author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, the largest selling relationship author ever.