Have you tried hard to make more profit from your business but seem to fail after many attempts? Does it feel like your business doesn’t favor you despite all the efforts you put in every day? Are you disappointed because, despite your efforts to respect the greatest SEO tips, you still do not succeed in using keywords to clearly speak your niche to your clients? Read more to get some keyword research tips.

Business owners go for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because it gives them more exposure. It also portrays them as trustworthy, experienced and authoritative. Can you imagine how easy it will be to blend with leading clients of your business sector if you have these business reputation characteristics? And for online businesses, this is particularly good news because having a credible business reputation brands you as a more attractive business to clients.

Think about this… clients searching the internet and finding you and not the other way round. Wouldn’t that be great for your business?

You probably are wondering how exactly you can use SEO tips to clearly speak to your niche and win the clients you desperately need for your business to flourish. Let’s look at a few of them together.

Understand SEO Tips and Keyword Research

Did you know that while many business owners carry out keyword research and come up with SEO articles on a daily basis, many of them do not quite understand what keyword research really is? You may be one such person. And that’s all right.  People defining keyword research see this activity as a science when it really is an art.

Business owners generally use organic keyword research to check how much traffic they could get for free.  But, the more experienced ones will use it to understand their readers (clients). And only when you fully understand your clients can you really make them understand your niche.

Wondering how business owners can use keyword research to understand their clients? Read on!!!

Keyword research gives you a clue of your clients’ specific needs

Every client goes to a business because he/she needs something specific from that business. A woman goes to a cosmetic shop for example, because she either needs a body lotion or lipstick or some other cosmetic related product or service.

But these are general needs. Keyword research can help you understand specific needs. In our example, the woman who goes to the cosmetic shop may need a body lotion that makes her body softer. Another may want something to take care of her acne. Both clients have a general need; body lotion. But their specific needs are different, and so are the searches they will make online.

That is exactly what keyword research helps us decipher. When more people search a particular keyword, it could be an indication that the keyword is a more specific need. When you do a search, have in mind the specific client need when you type in those words.  Those words need to be the exact words your ideal client uses for the search.  When you can do this, you are truly in the mind of your market.

Doing keyword research using the exact words your ideal client uses is thinking using the same phraseology of your ideal client.  This is why keyword research is really like an art rather than a science. It’s important to learn these keyword research tips.

To tap into the mind of your ideal market, it may be easier to imagine a niche personality and the way that personality thinks and talks.  Does he or she talk in short topic bursts?  Elaborate, elegant phrases?  Mimic his or her way of speaking and type in THOSE words.  Once you master this, you are on the road to being a masterful keyword research artist.

Keyword research helps you write in a more client appealing language

Your clients will use different expressions to voice out their concern. Understanding the words and expressions they use can enable you come up with articles that will relate personally to them. And of course, you can only know their expression when you do keyword research.

Remember, ideal clients searching for your specific product or service are voicing what they are looking for using THEIR words and phrases, not YOUR words and phrases.  So, in this situation, you can’t be yourself.  You have to play the role of being THEM.  Mimic THEM using the words THEY use to reveal the keywords they will most likely use in their search.  And, this needs to be the same type of phraseology they see on your website as well.

Once they notice that you speak THEIR mind and use the language they relate with, you appear more enticing to them.  When you mirror their language, they will want to stay with you because they trust your language.  So, make sure you authentically want to help them.  This will be a great way to build trust with them and a meaningful business relationship.

After reading this blog post, does it sound like you had been missing a few keyword research tips while coming up with client-appealing content for your business? Do you now see that speaking the wrong language prevented you from clearly speaking to your niche? If so, it is never too late to change and start speaking to the heart of your ideal client or customer in your website copy.

Follow the tips in this blog post.  Watch your business put a smile on your face. You’ll be amazed how great these keyword research tips can be to turn things around for you.


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